Feature and Follow Friday #14: Write a Book

Feature FridayFeature and Follow Friday is hosted by fellow bloggers Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every Friday they feature one or two bloggers and pose a question for other participating bloggers to answer. It’s a chance to find some new blogs to visit, and gain some new followers in return. This week’s featured blogs are The Truth About Books and Hibernator’s Library, so take a moment to head over there and check out their blog!

Here’s this week’s question for participants: If you could write a book what would it be about? – Suggested by Go Book Yourself. 

So I actually have several answers for this, because I’ve had tons of book ideas over the years. I just have never been able to sit down and write them down when I have the time to do so. One of the things I really want to write about is nonfiction books about real life experiences from some of our oldest members of our society. It’s sad to know that the last survivor of the Titanic died six years ago and the last survivor of World War I died three years ago. I just feel as if we have a wealth of knowledge and experiences slipping away. Maybe they felt their lives were unremarkable, but I feel there’s a lot to learn from these people. I would love to spend my time capturing moments of their lives or at the very least learning of their tales.

Of course, I have several fictional ideas floating around in my head. But honestly, if I had to choose, I would much rather go the non-fiction way. Either with capturing the stories of our elders or even writing to help books for parents of children with autism. Maybe had there been more information, more support systems, more help available, my son and I wouldn’t have struggled for so many years. Cheesy, I know. But I wish I would have had more help.

I’m always up for having new followers on my blog and bloglovin (links are on the right sidebar.) But I’m really hoping to have new GoodreadsTwitter and Facebook followers this week. Please comment below and I promise I will return the follow and view your post as soon as I can!

Click Here to enter your blog’s link and view this week’s Linky list…

About Kristine

As an aspiring author, avid bookworm, fitness fanatic and dedicated mother, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I write or post about things I'm passionate about and spend my time trying to make the most of every day. Life may be a tough journey, but I have my ruby red slippers and am content on skipping along this yellow brick road until the end of the line.

10 comments on “Feature and Follow Friday #14: Write a Book

  1. Great ideas! Maybe one day the time to write them will present itself… 🙂

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You had a great answer to the question.

  3. An autism help book sounds like a great idea! I’m an Aspie myself and haven’t been diagnosed until I was 33 due to a serious lack of information about it, especially when it comes to female autism. So any book that’s more aimed at personal experiences rather than boring medical jargon is going to be a gem! 😉

    • My son is autistic and at one point in time he was as wild as they said Helen Keller had been before she learned to sign. I even got in trouble because he’d strip naked and climb out the living room window (onto the porch) and run around outside, any time I’d turn my back. It was rough and I think it would have been nice to know one person would have understood. Instead everyone made me feel like a bad mother for using the bathroom or taking a nap after he’d kept me up all night… etc. Hopefully my experiences will help someone else realize it can get better, it just takes time and a lot of patience, tears and sometimes yelling to get through those darker moments.

      • Oh maan, I’ve never done any of that thankfully, but there were plenty of other things which made my parents desperate to the point of tearing their hair out. Awwe, people just don’t understand these kinds of things unless they experienced them themselves. There’s a bit more awareness on the subject nowadays than when I was a kid, but still nearly not enough! As if it’s not bad enough you’re struggling yourself and then have people pointing out to you that you’re not being strict enough or lord knows what kind of crappy advice they give. But yes, it can definitely get better! Just knowing that can bring a lot of relief to struggling parents, so I sincerely hope you’ll succeed in writing something awesome about it one day! 🙂 I’d buy it! 😉

  4. Both of your nonfiction ideas are so touching….. It would be wonderful if you could carry them out!

    I totally agree that our elders have much of value to impart to younger generations, and this information is being lost, if they (the elders) never kept a diary or published a memoir.

    As for the autism book, I do think there are several already in print, but we can never have too many books on the subject, as each one can bring a new perspective on this disorder. Your book could serve as encouragement for a family just finding out that their child has been diagnosed with autism.

    I sure do hope you get to write one or both of these books! We definitely need more love in this crazy world, and I’m sure your books could help spread it in a beautiful manner!!

    Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment on my own FF post!! ❤ : )

  5. Great answer! New follower on Twitter and Bloglovin’. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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