Feature and Follow Friday #8: Replace An Author

Feature FridayFeature and Follow Friday is hosted by fellow bloggers Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every Friday they feature one or two bloggers and pose a question for other participating bloggers to answer. It’s a chance to find some new blogs to visit, and gain some new followers in return.

Here’s this week’s question for participants: If you could take the place of one author which author would it be and what changes would you make in his/her writing style?
– Suggested by
NJKinny’s World of Books & Stuff

Oh this is a fairly simple question for me. There’s a particular author I have been griping about for years: James Patterson. Now I get it. Publishing books is about selling books, aka making money. But since when did authors need to have dozens of ghost writers and co-authors do their freaking job for them? This is how the latest Patterson book makes it to your shelf:

Step One: Patterson writes an outline for the plot. He claims it’s 80 pages, but I’m calling bullshit on that. I’ve read many of his series/books over the years and it’s apparent whoever is writing the newer books has little to no direction on where to go.

Step Two: Patterson claims he is constantly reviewing and revising their work. Once again, there’s a bullshit flag on the play. You know how I know? Because John Sampson in the Alex Cross series suddenly became Caucasian after he was played by a Caucasian actor in the 2012 Alex Cross movie. Ironically, Alex’s foster daughter (who was killed off and magically pulled a daytime soap move to come back to life) also changed races. Oh yeah… and there’s the book where the main character’s name is Michael Bennett… but it’s not from his Michael Bennett series. Oops… guess the jig is up.

Step Three: New books magically appear at the end of a rainbow on your local bookstore’s shelves every couple of weeks and people gobble them up like a fat kid in a candy shop.

So what would I change? Honestly, this isn’t an insult to his ghost writers and co-authors, but I miss James Patterson’s books. The ones he actually wrote. He is fantastic at creating antagonists that really make each book interesting and thrilling and since he’s no longer writing his books, the bad guys are being recycled, as are all of his story lines. So yes, I want James Patterson to write his own books again. Because I’d rather have to wait a year for his next book and it be amazing, then see a dozen pop up that are okay or god awful.

I’m really hoping to have new Goodreads followers and e-mail subscriptions this week. Please comment below and I promise I will return the follow as soon as I can!

Click here to enter your blog’s link and view this week’s Linky list…

About Kristine

As an aspiring author, avid bookworm, fitness fanatic and dedicated mother, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I write or post about things I'm passionate about and spend my time trying to make the most of every day. Life may be a tough journey, but I have my ruby red slippers and am content on skipping along this yellow brick road until the end of the line.

8 comments on “Feature and Follow Friday #8: Replace An Author

  1. Hi! You’ve got a Goodreads friend in me now 🙂

  2. I can totally see why all that would be upsetting. And I agree that it would be better to have to wait for a really good book actually written by the author than to have a bunch of bad ones not written by them.

    Personally, I wouldn’t change places with anyone to change their work.

    My FF: http://onceuntold.blogspot.com/2015/11/feature-follow-friday-switching-places.html

  3. Also added you on goodreads!

  4. Wow, that’s a very good reason. I haven’t read any of his books, but if I were in your place I’d probably react the same as well.

    Following you through email and adding you on Goodreads as well! 🙂

  5. I’ve only read his Confessions series (which I felt got worse and worse as the series went on) so good pick! New Bloglovin’ follower! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

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