Review: Fear the Walking Dead

Fear the Walking DeadSo, I have held off on reviewing Fear the Walking Dead for a couple of weeks now. One of those reasons is that I just haven’t had the time to really review any television series like I want to. After all, I’ve watched every episode of The Walking Dead and I have never posted a review on here for that show. But as the third episode comes to an end, I just couldn’t resist the urge to write a blog about my thoughts.

I’m not truly sure what I can say about this show, except it is proving to be a huge let down in my opinion. I understand this is supposed to be the beginning of the whole outbreak and that they really want to get the audience invested in the main characters. But considering it’s been three to four days for the characters and the fact they live in Los Angeles, where on average over 150 people die a day, there should be a lot more walkers already. Add onto that, the fact they were discussing how many people were already sick in the first episode, that should increase the number of walkers on the street.

Instead, even the mom from across the street who was killed on the deflated bouncy house, didn’t even make an appearance as a walker this episode. This slow pacing and the characters many, many mistakes, has left me wondering if perhaps I should drop the show. True there have been time in The Walking Dead where the plot has dragged and those weren’t necessarily my favorite episodes. But the difference is, that show is established enough that it can have filler episodes that help push the story line, without having something major happen.

I’m sorry, but when you just saw your neighbor attack another one of your neighbors… why would you pull out Monopoly? Better yet, when you see the same freaking neighbor standing in front of your house, why would you leave your back door open after allowing a dog into the house? Honestly, these characters are just begging to be eaten. The best example is when, even after discovering their neighbor, Susan is one of the undead, they don’t even attempt to kill her until the next day. Even then, they fail to get rid of her and she nearly kills her husband because they are weak and pathetic. And don’t even get me started on the idiot teenagers, who need to grow up real quick. But since their parents are making such stupid choices, I really can’t expect more from an addict and two selfish teens.

Is the show worth continuing with? I’m not entirely sure. I will continue on until the season finale in three weeks. But if things don’t start picking up, I won’t be returning for season two. I am more than content with going back to my original Walking Dead family and never looking back on these idiots.

But would I recommend it to someone else? Not at the moment.

About Kristine

As an aspiring author, avid bookworm, fitness fanatic and dedicated mother, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I write or post about things I'm passionate about and spend my time trying to make the most of every day. Life may be a tough journey, but I have my ruby red slippers and am content on skipping along this yellow brick road until the end of the line.

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